Saturday 22 July 2017

It's a Big Red

Its a stunning sunny winters afternoon here in Tamworth and I'm here with my beautiful Sandy chilling out on the back deck overlooking our garden. Talking and planning for our up and coming Italian cooking adventures, the smell of the BBQ wafting through the air so we thought we should open a special bottle of red that we were given when we were doing a cooking class in Rome back in October 2014.
Andrea from "Cooking Class in Rome" and I share a birthday, when we left his class last time he presented me with a Italian red to enjoy when we got back to Australia. So today was the day to enjoy it and sure gets us into the Italian vibe. It's 12 years old and is a deep rich plum-red in color and surprisingly a BIG wine for Italy, we loveeee big reds so will be keeping an eye out when we are back in Italy.

Montepulciano d Abruzzo
Colline Terramane

Thursday 20 July 2017

Just 35 Sleeps

Just 35 more sleeps till we hit the sky's again bound for more cooking adventures in Italy.
We fly out of Sydney 24th August for the 3rd instalment of our gap year.
So armed with my new little travel computer I thought I should do a test run with the blog.
Over the next week or so I will take some pic on Sandy's new camera to make sure all is linked up.
Always a challenge with new equipment, especially me being a bit of a dinosaur with technology.
And the new computer has great spell check unlike the IPad which seamed to have a mind of its own with predictive text.