Sunday 15 December 2013

Careful Don't Get Lost In A Grey Grey World

back in Yokohama Hiroko has so many traditional friends and she is also a volunteers at a Op Shop in the little cluster of shops at the end of her street. Mind you the streets are not as we know them and the houses are also not as we know them. The streets are a bit of a navigational nightmare as they are on a grid of some square blocks but a lot of triangle blocks so it is very easy for me to get lost and never to be found again!
Now I know that sounds a bit melodramatic but I get lost in David Jones in Sydney. So letting me loose in this small sector of Yohahama is a bit of a worry but one that I am trying to navigate around. So many of the houses look the same and as they are all very narrow and appearing much taller than they are. The streets are extremely narrow and very hilly and the houses are built up towering over their own little off street concrete car space and a very little garden if any.
Went past many a double and even a triple story domestic car park,  you drive in and then the lift takes the car up 2 m and you can then drive your other car in under it. There is no on street car parking in this densely populated sector of Yohahama. Even at a school that I walked past the kids bikes were stored in multi storage racks as ground space is such a premium.
A lot of the houses are grey and  a lot of the cars are grey and the streets are grey so one block just seams to blend into the other so a real mine field for the disorientated and me!!

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