Saturday 4 August 2018

Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo

Another great trip in a Japanese cab ... all pretty with lace and soooooooo clean ... Bliss.
Wow what a room ... it's right posh!
Pristinely clean bathroom.
Checkout that view
 All I ordered was fresh milk! Ouch that ill cost ...
Sorry Sandy its on your minibar bill!
 Cool a my own phone, so if I get lost walking in the mornings just call them and with the GPS they will come and pick me up.
Love Japan so organised.
The hotel is in a historical garden which is why Sand's booked it as a surprise for me ... and what a wonderful surprise it is.

It's 38 deg for the time we are here, a LOT hotter than a Scottish summer that's for sure.
as the sun sets around 7pm it starts cools a wee tad about 32 deg.
Sandy was here in 1984 and walked over this samecbridge.
Some of the wall art all sooooo Japanese



  1. Ok so where are the pickies of the rest of the Japaneeeeeeeese garden. you have tantalized my eyeballs with the sneak preview above ?????
