Tuesday 19 July 2016

Tides Reach

Over the past 2 days we have been down in Dover which is about 80km south of Hobart.
Found a great little beach shack called Tides Reach. It is a new build little 2 bedroom cottage which is a replacement in the same location as an existing beach shack. Properties this close to the water are rare and can’t be any bigger than the existing shack before which protect the look of these small fishing villages.
How lucky are we to find this little gem, 8m to the water’s edge and the sound of the small waves from Port Esperance are so relaxing that the world around you can just disappears for a time.

We went out hunting and gathering to get some of the famous grass fed beef from Geeveston 20km up the road.
So a late BBQ lunch sitting on the back deck looking over the bay of grass feed scotch fillet marinated in local olive oil and garlic, blackened on the BBQ and served pink in the middle.
Local pink eye potato with their buttery texture and Sandy made up an Asian caramelised chili sauce to drizzle over the potatoes which had been dolloped of Greek yogurt.

Tiny local brussel sprouts blanched then stir fried with a smoky Cygnet butchers ham, shaved cauliflower and red onion salad plus a tomato and onion sauce reduced to be rich and spicy.
To top it all off a 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot from Frogmore Creek in Tasmania of course.
Happy days and a walk after lunch on the beach

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