Monday 7 October 2019

The Retreat Cooking School - Tamworth NSW Australia

Welcome back readers, it's been 14 months since Sandy and I returned from the last 1/4 of our "cooking gap year"
We crammed in as many cooking classes as we could starting way back in 2013 so now we are up and running our own cooking school here at our small boutique hotel.
The Retreat at Froog Moore Park
Check out our web site for class details

We are offering fun hands on classes exploring some of the tastiest recipes from our travels in Italy, Morocco and the Middle East.
Grab some friends or join in a class to meet some new cooking friends.
Min of 4 people to run a class (max 6) 
Classes from $100 p/p and at the conclusion you get to enjoy the dishes you have created.
My beautiful Sandy your cook and teacher.

Our fun classes are just that, fun and for all skill levels.
Sandy will help you create delicious food from around the world, share some of the tips and tricks that we were so luck to have learnt on our travels so making it easy for you to try at your home.

Learn how to make a soft fluffy focaccia like the one's we learnt in Pulga, southern Italy.

The cooking school room flooded with natural light

Learning to make pasta

Then eating it.
OMG fresh pasta its a real treat

If you are a new reader who has just stumbled on my food blog
 or one of my existing followers who just wants to revisit our amazing cooking journeys and travels of our 
(intermittent) gap year.

16th April 2013 till 5th August 2018.

Sandy and I are off to Sri Lanka, India and Malaysia from the 14th December 2019 for a month so watch this space for more cooking adventures.
 Cheers Peter 

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