Saturday 3 August 2013

How Polite " Japanese Polite "

Everybody DOES stand to the left on the escalators.

One waits in line at a train station behind each other while waiting for the train.

No mobile phone on the bus as to not disturb your neighbour.

Smoking rooms out the front of the airport in the open air spaces.

All so polite, even the road works signs people had a soft large red flag to warn you to slow and stop and with a bow and a white flag you are off again.
Some signs we encountered as you are in the road works area
Slow like a turtle,  NOT fast like a bunny 
Slow like a turtle,  NOT fast like a bunny
All done like a set from a Walt Disney cartoon and oh so colourful. 
And once you are leaving there was a cartoon cutout waving you a goodby.

Cocho the dog is a true Japanese house dog and Hiroko after he has gone outside for a walk comes back in and his paws are wiped with wet-ones

" Ita ducky muss " are the words that you say as you sit at the table with your head bowed and your hands clasped for prey and even Cocho is made to clasps his paws as Hiroko says his prays for him before he eats ...

JAL business book-in you wait in a carpeted screened area and when the next assistant is ready then one of the girls comes over to collect you and take you personally to the checkin counter. Non of this " next please " as that would not be polite, well not Japanese Polite.

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