Sunday 11 August 2013

I do I do I do I do I do

So after a great breakfast it's into the car all 5 of us and Choco the dog as Ken wants to be on the road by 8.30am sharp. Any earlier and it is the peak hours of the morning workers with huge traffic delays coming into the city and 1/2 an hour later it the peak hours of the local moving around the busy city of Yohahama. 
As it is it still takes us about an hour to get out of the city traffic and hit the open roads for the country. We only traveled about 15km in the first hour and  even though Ken said it is that 1/2 hour window where the traffic is OK to us it is still so intense and busy, not thinking that I will be moving to Yohahama any time soon. The traffic is just so heavy and we are heading away from it. 
So we hit the open road well freeways 4 and 5 lanes at first then down to 2 way by mid morning.
Ken puts on a CD to entertain the troops and I think to stop from me asking too many questions that he would have to think and translate in his head before an answer is given so I think he was wanting to concentrate on the traffic and not my hundred and one questions. He did say last night that he has not spoken to a English speaking person for the past 4 years now he is retired so he is a bit rusty, but truth be know he is just a bit shy. Well give me a week and we will be talking ten to the dozen!!!

The CD  is the extended version of ABBA's greatest hits ... Japanese love them and as I too am still a big fan .... yes tragic ... REAL tragic I know but I,m  sooooo impressed with the music choice. But as I can see Sandy in the back seat, yep sorry it was boys in the front, Hiroko would have it no other way, men in the front talking men business so the girls and the dog could chat in the back.... Sorry Sands .... Hmmm as I look over my shoulder to give a sneaky smile to Sandy ... as she ... well is not such a ABBA fan and the only ABBA record she had was the Norman Gunston rip out of them......
But Sandy being Sandy with her wicked sense of humour and her huge big smile tell them all that Pete Loves ABBA .. yep ... I do I do I do I do I do ... but then she goes just that one step further and tell them that I love to sing karaoke to ABBA... go on Pete sing for everyone ... go on Pete you know you want too.... She's a bad woman and I think it was a pay back for me sitting in the front !!

1 comment:

  1. Will look intto Abba next concert in Sydney but wont hold breath so maybe Fleeetwood Mac as an interim music fix
