Thursday 24 August 2017

3rd ¼ of our Italian Cooking Gap Year!

So here we are in the lounge at Sydney airport looking over a very hectic runway with planes coming and going.

We were to fly out at 3pm this afternoon 24th August but the flight has been delayed till tonight due to a hurricane in Hong Kong which has altered some 400 plane flights so far today.

Hay it’s just a few hour delay and our thoughts go out to the people in Hong Kong who are not having such a good day.

We are lucky as we left Tamworth this morning we were informed of the delays so were quick to get our flights rescheduled and still through Dubai than on into Rome, some other people in the lounge are now having to fly via London then back to Rome.

So it’s a few more hours here and several more bubbles so I will sleep like a baby tonight.

Tonight 24th August at 7.30pm we fly 14 hours to Dubai (with a 6 hour layover) than onto Rome arriving 1.30 Friday 25th August Italian time ready to start our 3rd 1/4 of our Italian Cooking Gap Year!
We pick up a car at Fiumicino airport which is south west of Rome and then drive 1 hour north on the coast road via Cititavecchia (Rome’s Port City) than north east 30mins into the hills to the little town of Tolfa.

This is where the first of our Italian cooking classes start, just follow the blog for where we go from there.

We will be having 3 nights there to get over the jetlag and to get into Italian time.

Check out my blog while Sandy and I are away, we would love a few little blog comments along the way so we know who is following our adventures.

Sandy won’t be doing face booking while we are away so the only place to find us will be (our mobiles will not get us either!)

BUT just remember that I blog like I speak, that is … very fast … with no comers or full stops … sometimes no filters 😊, opps, I should try to behave … but “being have”  can be soooo over rated! … and of course the appalling spelling and grammar you will have to injury,. But that’s ME!!! so read along and sometime reread and reread again to find out what the hell is he trying to say … just think it’s a bit like cracking a puzzle … so crack away and enjoy with us this 3rd instalment of our Italian Cooking Gap Year, whatever and wherever it will take us 😊 😊


Ciao for now P

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