Wednesday 30 August 2017

From Fontane della Papa To il Cantico della Natura

Never underestimate how long it can take get from a to b in Italy. We left Fontane at 10am after a great breakfast of wild grown rockmelon yum. It’s the end of the summer the fruit is just so full of sweetness, a real flavour bomb after coming from the end of winter in Aus.
Ok Pete back on track … focus .. mind off food.

So as I was saying it took us 4 hours non stop to travel 220 km north east from Fontane dell Papa to our next 3 night stopover at il Cantico Della Natura in the olive tree studded hills overlooking the town of Magione on the shores of Lake Trasimeno. We were on both small country roads as well as the auto strata, traveling from the region of Lazio, then under “The Tuscan Sun” at a hot 36 deg …
so romantic ...  well from the comforts of the air-conditioned car, then finally into to the Umbria food region.

Here we will have some time to chill out … read a book or two and then have a cooking class featuring some typical Umbria foods. Will report back when I know what is typical.

But before the fun start we have to make our way up the mountain on a small dirt track which “Gloria” is sure is classified as a highway!!!
Interesting sign Sandy … il Cantico della Natura … very rustic sign … very 1970’s looking sign …and what does “Natura” mean.

In the past Sandy has managed to book us into amazing places found after hours trolled on the internet back home looking for that "unique location" and or "unique experience".

So Sandy have you just enlisted us into some sort of a Natural Camp singing Koom Bi Yre! ( bad spelling but you should get the drift ) and ... or are clothes optional !!! With a cheeky grin that only she can give me she said you will just have to wait and see.
We park the car in the designated mysterious well-hidden carpark, hint one, looks doggie, we then have to walk the last couple of hundred meters to the top of the hill. The 1st thing I see is a large swimming pool and amazing views over the Lake below and from where I’m standing I can see one very white older man back on in a sun chair sitting on the “obligatory little white towel”. I look at Sandy and she laughs AS IF look closer he has swimmers, they are very small swimmers but swimmers no less. Something's just don't need to see the light of day or get sun burnt !!!

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