Wednesday 5 November 2014


Dubai what an ab-fab and amazing city ... It's all just so brand spanking new.
So glamourise, gleaming and glistening in the hot midday sun and the stunning twinkling lights by night. Absurdly tall, ultra modern and Jetson style sky scrapers and some look more like sandcastles out of marble but all orderly laid out with enough room around them to show them all off too their best. Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, marble and glass stunnnnning.

Pop 7.8 million with only 1.6 mil indigenous/locals and a melting pot of about 200 different nationalities, what a eye opener.

Not the cheapest city that's for sure .... NOTHING is free there is a tax or fees for and on EVERYTHING some explained on the bills and others just part of the bill and if you inquiry why or what ..... well it ... "just is" it Dubai.
The booze is super super expensive, and that's if it's available. Lots of restaurants can't be licensed and where does knows how to charge. Had dinner at a stunning Thai in the city over looking the Emirates Mall Water Show and for a bottle of New Zealand Cloudy Bay it was $330 Aus and that was the entry level for wine. It's enough to turn these two alco's off the booze .... well at least until we get back to our duty free stash in the room!!!!

In saying that petrol is sooooo cheep .... as it should be!!! the cabs are also sooooo cheep.
Coming back in from the desert resort it only cost $30 for a 70 km trip to our accommodation in Dubai called Kempinski check it out.

There is apparently very little crime in Dubai and I must admit we felt so safe where ever we went. There are no street people or beggars anywhere. Maybe that would just look too messy in such a
pristine city so problery the sheiks shipped them back to where they came from!!

Harsh but true, the locals and hotel staff that we talked to tell us that Dubai looks after all it's own so there is no poverty that is directly seen on the streets of Dubai.

Modestly is also addressed, not saying they have fashion police but if someone is in the shopping
centres and is a bit too scantly clad they are nicely removed from the eye site of the locals....

You have rights as a visitor but Dubai people's rights are attended to first, actually it's quite nice in a
respectful way, its there city and if you don't respect that and their culture ... well it's back to the airport and on the next plane out.