Monday 3 November 2014

Emirates Lounge Style style style

Our secret squirrel driver drops us off right at the exact door to the Emirates checkin desk, past the que of other waiting travellers so with in minutes our two cases coming in at a healthy 43.5 kg quickly disappear on the conveyer belt.

We hit security to get carry on bags checked and it's back to reality ... even the rock stars now have to wait !!!! Black, white, brindle and a nun or two and they are all getting a good old patting down.

So here I was thinking that in Italy that a little old nun will just walk through "but nope" if the head dress is not coming off, well its a good old fashion pat down for her also.
She looks up at me and with slightly raised eyebrows smiles as hands are placed in all sorts of areas and with a cheeky grin knowing that her touchy feely security lady is just doing here job.

But no such luck, I just walk through without a beep so no feel up for me ...

So a J & T for Sands and a historically old scotch or two for me purely to calm the nerves before we fly, topped off with some Emirates dates filled with almonds.
Flying bliss.

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