Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Gold Suiks ( Old Markets )

The gold Suiks are a sight in themselves to see, a disgusting display of wealth and there is just 1000's of little stores all brightly illuminated and all again buying for your tourist $.
With promises of a good price better than everyone else and that you and him are "just destine to meet". Smooth, charming none of the ugly sales people here ... and great with a sales pitch. The jewellery places are packed with Arabic tourist hugely cashed up and in some of the shops several deep looking for a bargain.

It not just the cheep stuff either some of the pieces that looked like costume jewellery were in the 10's to 100's of thousands of $ and were so OTT with bright yellow gold and looking like a chest plate and supporting huge jewels and looked like something that Lady Gargar would wear to her next royal dinner with Charles or a more casual night at a Oil Barron function in a Beddawin Tent.

Huge and showy with a bit of glamour but a lot more cringe....


  1. So none of the ugly salespeople but with the smiling ever so nice con artist who will laugh all the way to the bank with your money.

  2. Yep that the one !!!! Great night last night
