Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Old Silk & Fabric Suiks

Like other Arabica city's we have visited they all have their old Suiks.
The only difference is that the ones in Dubai were a lot lot cleaner. Not as pristine as the city, but clean and still with loads of rustic charm and heaps of sellers harassing you for your tourist $.
Mainly scarfs, fabrics, cloths, ceramic and metal plates all brightly coloured and coming in from Turkey and India.

I got several great cool new cotton shirts so I was able to dice the old thread bares that I can't wear in Dubai or else I may have been put on the get out of town list!!!!
So all good it will make room in the suit cases for new ones before we travel home.

All thanks to my new best friend and now personal shopper !!!!! obversely "we were destine to meet". What Kamal had in his shop just didn't fit (insert sulky sad face). He followed us down the road for a while with his phone to his ear maybe waiting for me to drop a couple of shirt sizes in the heat ... but as that wasn't going to happen in the short term ... It was a sir sir please wait, please follow me .... I have a cousin ... Hmmmmmm what have we got to loose, Dubai is safe, it may just be fun.

Well we walked and walked and I think I may have dropped a size or 2 by the time we got finally to his cousins shop but "this miss piggy" was still to big.

Kamal, not wanting to loose a sale or a commission had another cousin, of course. Then finally a real big mans shop ... for men with broad shoulders and long arms that almost touch the ground as I walk and of course with a bit of a miss piggy Italian stomach.
Satisfaction .... deals done and with Kamal holding my bags we headed back out to the street to see how much more commission he was able to drum up for himself...

Need some perfume for the lady, perhaps a copy watch or a goochie bag. He wasn't going to let the bag go or a sales opportunity get away. We got to talking about cooking and food and before long we were in another cousin shop eating the best little hot flat bread and discussing life and different cultures.
He in Muslim and he was a very interest young man married with 3 little kids and just trying to make ends meet. I went to pay for the food and he said "no" this was his way to thank us for giving him a chance to sell us something.
He also walked us back to the Main Street and put us in a cab, I finally got my bags back and with huge hand shakes and business card swapped we parted. A true gentleman and clothing contact in Dubai, hmmm may just come in handy.....

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