Monday 10 November 2014

When The Moneys Runs Out ... What do you do.

Come home and get back to work.

It's harder for Aussie's to travel at the moment as everything costs about 50% more with our current exchange rate in Europe. SUCKS and the cost of living in Italy is a lot higher than back home so unfortunately it's time to come home ( insert 2 sad faces) as its back to real reality!!
We are now home to all our Aussie friends ( insert 2 HUGE smiley faces ) so can't wait to catch up.

We have to get back to work to save for the next 3/4  bit of our Italian Food Journey and gap year, maybe start on that travel and or cook book to help finance the next trip !!!!

I did notice that Sandy picked up a travel mag to read on the plane on the way home ... hmmmm maybe she is telling me something ..... WORK HARD & SAVE so we can do it all again.

We have both had a absolute ball again, leant so much cooking and eaten in some amazing places.
Again from families we have meet on the way this time and from last trip and with people that we just walked into their kitchens or restaurants and announce that we were here to help and see what they were doing.

Shared lots of great meals and many food focused experience with many a different Italian food region and nationality. Somedays it has been so exhausting as you don't want to miss out on a single second or experience, traveling for 3 months can be a bit tough but still Soooooo worth it....

I know I'm a bit cheeky !!! Well hugely cheeky ... with balls the size of a rhino and I have this ....
well .... if you don't ask you don't get approach to life. Mind you, you don't alway get when you
ask !!!!! but it sure is fun asking.

So I have asked and smiled and joked our way into some amazing places, pointed at the Aussie hat as if it is some sort of right of passage. We have both had some truly life changing experiences with a huge array of different and amazing people from all walks of life. I will never forget my time in Piobbico Hard Core truffling with Dorriano, becoming the only Aussie members of Club De Brute.

Best of all I did it all with my Sands xxoo she is so patient with me!!!!

So maybe see you all back in blog land for part 3? ... Where? When? Hmmmm ??...

Hope you have enjoyed the Southern Italian Food Journey with us and I hope that my writing skills and spelling is getting better and a bit easier to read and that the pictures may have helped put you out of "reading misery" a long the way also.

A big thanks for all the little comments along the way also they have been great.

So till next time, love to all and many many double cheek kisses xxoo


  1. Thanks Peter for letting us enjoy your adventure with you and Sandy. We've had a great time reading you blog and viewing the phots. Sandy thanks for your part in the adventure also. Take care both of you now you are home. See you soon xxxxx

  2. Hmmmm I note a couple of spelling mistakes perhaps I'm teaching you new mays to spell ... See you Monday xo

  3. Wow The Retreat looks fabulous your locum has done a great job. It looks like you have found a real treasure.
    Thanks for sharing your adventures with us over the last three months and the photos were a absolute bonus.
    Marg and I would like to thank you for the evening out with your friends last week. We really enjoyed everyone's company and look forward to catching up on 10th December. Take care both of you enjoy Christmas and see you in January.
