Tuesday 17 December 2019

Dahi Papdi - Today's Vegetarian Taste Sensation

We had a spot of Indian lunch at RAS with an Indian Kingfisher beer getting in practice for our cruise into India.

Great spot by the river
 27 deg and winter for them with 98 % humidity

Started with "chaats" meaning small bites.
Trying vegetarian so we can learn more about the plant based foods looking for new flavours to include at The Retreat and 
Indian - Asian is the best place to look.

Getting up close and personal with ones food.

Now for the dissection,
one can't resist playing with one's food.
So potato tick, guessed that one

To reveal the dried pastry base - the crunchy

This is how it read on the menu
Typically Indian - Spicy, sweet, tangy, crunchy, so many sensations
Hmmm they are not giving much away so let the experimentation game begin.
Potato curry with mustard seed, sweet yogurt, mint oil, pastry disk and the hero was the sweet and tangy caramelized tamarind sauce.
It was JUST gorgeous Zing Zing Zing, perfect balance of spice.

Considering Sandy traveled all through Italy with chilly flakes in her pockets now she is in her spice heaven.
Dish off the day ... so far.

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