Wednesday 18 December 2019

Leaving Singapore tonight

on a cruise into Puckett, Sri Lanka, west coast of Indian and into Dubai by New Years Eve. Not sure how and when I will have internet so catch you where and when we can.
 Had a great night last night with Leah, our Susan's niece and what a fantastic night it was.
Thanks Leah

 Fabulous authentic Laksa 1/2 an hour out of the city in the traditional Malay sector.

Hey if it's good enough for Gordon

Laksa was so delicious, I could pick out flavours of Thai basil or Vietnamese mint as the dried herb + cockles and dried shrimp added the fishy content. 
Scrum scrum

 Back to the city to glam it up with drinks over the modern city with a light show

Haming it up with the "crazy rick Asian"


  1. Now I'm jealous, An authentic Laksa. Quite possibly one of my all time favourites. I have been experimenting with this for years now, and I reckon I'de have to go and have the real thing in it's place of origin.

  2. Come on over we will take you there or wait till our return and we can try to cook together remember Thai basil or Vietnamese mint
