Sunday 15 December 2019

We love it when we find a new taste sensation.

After a great night sleep and a bit of a sleep-in we hunted for a bite of lunch.
Today is a total day to ourselves prior to starting the cooking classes tomorrow. 
Complements from the chef pickle marinated papaya
A very different taste and a great palette cleanser
It wasn't tart or salty, it was a little sweet with hints soft fruity vinegar and a crunchy texture.
We love it when we find a new taste sensation.

Congee wow-weee. (Chinese comfort food)
Many years ago we stumbled across congee as a breakfast dish on a cruise made by the Malaysian staff and mainly only for the staff to eat and we have never been able to find that taste again until today. 
What a great food memory it was, so today after speaking with the chef we are on the track to being able to make it back home. This dish is a time and patience dish and our cab driver last night said that most locals don't make it as the cost of gas to cook one dish for many hours is too expensive when you can pick up a bowl  from a street seller for a few sing$.
The soft rice porridge is a delight when done right and a watery mess if not.
The flavor is also a soft delight and not complicated with spice or chilly heat.
It can be served with many different seafood or as we had today with pork meatballs.
Opted not to have the one worded "seven treasures pork"(offal) or the fresh pork liver Congee.
Enjoyed it with dough fritters and sauteed dried beef Hor Fun Hmmmm Hor Fun

I sat wondering what was the subtle lingering flavor and once I discovered that it was sesame oil I was again in food heaven.


  1. It so was ... and i think that there may be a secret ingredient lurking in the Congee that may well be in a Chinese short soup - but don't tell anyone i think it may be sesame oil!!
