Saturday 20 April 2013

1st Lesson A Traditional Roman Lunch

----- 1st Lesson A Traditional Roman Lunch -----
Lunch is a pasta by Daniella showing Sandy frantically taking notes.
His eat-in kitchen is a small area and is typical of apartment  dwelling in Roma, few bench space with a large 6 burner gas hot plate and oven. Double bowl sink and a small table 1200 x 700 and 4 chairs.
Today we will be having our 1st lunch at Daniella and Marina's home.
Pasta  Con Carciofi Rigatoni and Argretti Salad
Rigatoni is a tube pasta with grouves to catch flavour
Carciofi  is with Pancetta and Artichokes.
 Argretti is a succulent / sea grass looking style of greens
Prepare Artichokes taking off harder outer leaves cut and put in a water , salt and lemon bath leave for 2 hours
Pan fry in little oil the pancetta over gentle heat till slight colour add a small onion fine chop use little water to control the heat till soft and little colour also
White wine 1/4 cup reduce wine
Drain and add Artichokes + 1 cup of the boiling pasta water + 2 pinches salt
Let Artichokes soften on soft heat only
Beat 3eggs + 3 Tablespoon Parmencen  cheese + 3 pinches salt
Quickly stir into Artichokes and pancetta to coat NOT scramble
Add to drained Rigatoni pasta and serve
For the Argretti cut off roots add to soft boiling salty water for 10mins once cooked add olive oil, lemon to taste + salt and serve as side to the Rigatoni 
Enjoy Ciao bella

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