Wednesday 24 April 2013

Show bags flying high

Our little Qantas and B A show bags that you get on the flight are coming to an end.
Each flight you receive a little bag with lots of goodies from mini moisturise, lip and face creams, tinny winney little 5 and 10 gram tooth paste and eye restoring creams, I have been using the eye "Restoring cream" each day but to no avail I don't think any amount of cream is going to get rid of those bags Pete. As for the 5 and 10 grams of tooth paste I have done the calculation that 5 grams may be the correct measure on a plane but some days down on the Italian ground that it just won't cut it especially  if you have the marinated anchovies as part of your antipasti starter the night before!!!!!! So working on that assumption as the marinated anchovies are sooooooo great that the extra tubes of tooth paste that the Boy Scout packed in the suit cases may run out and me may just have to try an Italian brand!
So sad but on the bright side it will be less to pack back into our suite case as we start our next adventure today.

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