Tuesday 16 April 2013

The adventure starts

Well we have finally left on our 2013 Grand Tour and greetings to all that are going to follow our food adventure through Italy, France via England and back home through Japan.
Without the support of our wonderful Retreat team this would never have been possible. Our beautiful Julie (who we just cant live without), Kath and Leanne and our 3 newcomers Steve, Robbie and Kim for all taking over the reigns in our absence, we would not be here without them all pulling together.
Enjoyed a cheeky wine Abels Tempest sav blanc 2012 in the lounge.  Leaving Sydney 9pm tonight bound for Japan and looking forward to our flat beds with a turn down service!

1 comment:

  1. Hello guys
    How is the holiday so far
    Keep us up to date with EVERYTHING you do or else!!
    Luv Annie & Greg
