Wednesday 24 April 2013

Heading for the Country

It's Wednesday 24th April we will catch a taxi from Marina and Daniela place to Termini station (central station).  From here we will catch the train for upcountry north to the Port City and from there we will be picked up by car by the people that are running the next 4 days and 3 nights of cooking classes. We will leave the house at 10am for the 2 to 3 hour trip.
Caic Bella, Caic Bello


  1. Hi guys it is our ANZAC day holiday today so I thought I would catch up with your blog. Wow! you guys sound like you are having a ball and only a week has gone by. I must say Pete you have a wonderful way with words!! I think after this experience you should write a book, recipe book or some thing to that effect I didn't realize you were so literate!!! It is wonderful to hear about your adventures and will keep checking on your progress. Luv to you both Annie & Greg xxoo

  2. Hello you two, our only blog commenters, nice to know someone is reading the blog. Peter is really into it! Today is our 26th anniversary ...can you believe that. What a place to celebrate it in! We are working on putting images on the blog so keep watching xoxox

  3. Hello dearest Sally and Peter,
    today is also our sort of ANZAC day (Liberation Day from Nazi-Fascists), wish you could stay at home with us longer. But you are moving on and it will certainly be a wonderful experience.Myself, Daniele and Gabriele would like to thank you both very very much for staying with us, and for sharing with us even the unexpected... Never a dull moment.... You gave us the opportunity to express ourselves freely. We miss you already so much and hope you will be back soonest. Your lunch, dear Sandy and Peter, the way it was prepared and assembled with cow's fresh ricotta,breasola and valeriana salad and cherry tomatoes looked like a garden of roses.But your company was super. Thank you for letting us be tourists in our city. Sometimes we forget how beautiful this city can be during night time. I would like to thank you especially for the caring and humanity that you have shown. Please let us know anytime you are in Rome, you will always be our welcomed. Much love, hugs and kisses from us.
