Friday 26 April 2013

Daniele's grandmother's Tuna loaf

This was an intriguing cooking process many years old. Traditionally served Christmas Eve as a second course after pasta as no meat is eaten in this day. 

Put on a large pot of water to boil
Blitz together 
400 grams of drained tin tuna 
4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 
4 tablespoons of dried bread crumbs
4 eggs
Wet and crush a  large sheet of baking paper and lay on a tray
Shape the tuna mix in a long log onto the paper, roll firmly into the paper and tie off each end like a Bon Bon and one in the centre
Immerse the loaf into the boiling water and boil for 45 min or until you have had 2 glasses of chianti.
Carefully remove from the water and cool over night in the fridge
Unwrap and slice the loaf into 13mm slices
Make a dressing of lemon juice olive oil and salt and drizzle over 
Serve with a fresh green salad

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