Saturday 20 April 2013

Arriving Roma

Of all the airports over the past 41 hours it was the easiest one to get out of and find our way through, thanks to the Italian staff who were so lovely, there was not many around they had nearly all gone home, how thoughtful, no checks or double checks  as to what was in our carry on cases ( all 4 heavy one's of them).
Every other airport the security check were so stringent that by the time you transited to Rome they  must have thought you probably  had had enough body searches and scrutiny as to why you would want that many little bottles of different liquids /creams and tablets to travel with. Not sure what they thought we were going to do with them!!!!! But try to tell them you are away for 3 1/2 months and some things that you just can't live without or know what it is called in Italian so like any good boy scout you want to be prepared. 
On a serious note there were signs posted in the airports for witness to the bombings in Boston so it soon brings you back to earth that we live in a crazy, cruel world and some very sad individuals. 
Yesterday was also the funeral of an ex English formidable female  politician , love her or hate her I still admire her for taking a stand which is unique in politics today ... besides anyone who's birthday is on the 13th of October can't be all bad!,  Heathrow was busy with diplomats at about the time we arrived, perfect timing Magie, and may god rest your soul as many would not have been in her shoes for all the world.

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