Tuesday 30 April 2013

Today We Make Pasta Dough

On a large board 600 x 900mm put a mound of durum flour roughly 100 grams or 
"Q . B" of flour with 1 egg per person
It is best do a mix with 2 or more eggs to get a good dough mix
Place the eggs in the middle of the well that you have created in the flour this is called a volcanic
With a fork whisk the eggs to get air and to gradually the flour will fall into the well and be incorporated
An Italian will not get sticky hands during this process and once the eggs have started to form a paste that is not to wet flour your hands and start to work the dough
Knead for about 10mins until the dough is still soft, elastic and not sticky, set aside under a dry tea towel for 30 mins
On the same board scrape off the dry harder bits and put into a sieve with any left over flour from the volcano
Use this to flour the board under the round of dough that you have created
With a large roller 700mm long and about 50mm round start to roll out the dough
Turning the dough as needed and sifting flour under and on top of the dough to prevent sticking
Roll out till about 1mm thick a bit of a challenge as with the 4 egg mix that I was doing in the class it did take up most of the board. Work the dough so it forms a rectangle shape, roll up the thin sheet of pasta as required on the roller so that you can keep the board with a dusting underneath the dough 
Thank goodness the class was at their place as I think maybe this needs to be done outside!!!!! 

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