Tuesday 30 April 2013

We'll Be Coming Down The Mountain When We Come!!!!

As we come down the mountain from Fontana Del Pupa I'm thinking I've been slack and haven't posted all the recipes from Danielle, the cooking school in Roma + several from Fontana Del Papa so I will get them done over the coming weeks,  we have take notes like good little students so all good

For now we play!!!
We have 2 weeks with no cooking classes hip hip haray
We can see in the harbour with several large cruse-liners all waiting on their final guest to arrive.
We were supposed to board at least 2 hours prior to the ship setting sail. 
We arrive in a car that the cooking school arranged after a lavuous lunch  that we have just prepared, our host is on Roma time, they willa wait don'ta worry see see. 
She was right and we weren't the last to arrive but very very close!!! 
It was great straight through customs and on board and with in minutes we are taken to our "State Room"!!!! 
So cool we make our way up the lifts to the Decka Nina open the door to our room with our view over the port town. It like being on top of a high rise. 

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