Tuesday 23 April 2013

We Arrived Back From City Roma

We did it!!!! our umbilical cord was cut and we did arrive to our cooking class in Roma city the old sector of Trastevere and more importantly we did get back home!  Be it a bit late and a worried Marina wondering what she had done letting us out of her site. Marina was like an expectant mother standing by the 3 store window looking down the road that we probably should have been on a couple of hours earlier. Buongiorno, Buongiorn from the excited Marina with Camel in hand (and that is a story for  later, Peter G, Greg, Joe and my mum will be a amazed). With much excitment we spoke of our journey and told them that the chef from the day suggested a slightly different route home from the instruction we had been given earley today. All was good and we got to see a very interesting sector of Roma with its small resturants open at evey other door way, the sounds of a lady playing the paino squeeze box up an ally as the rain started to come down, umbrella and wind jackets come out of the backpack always be prepared. We walked through the old streets and follow the river back to the metro station thus cutting out a bus trip.
So back to the morning Daniela and Marina drove us to the under ground station some 20 mins away from there home to cut out the first bus trip and to make sure we would get on to a train into the old city. With our little Italian we managed to get due tickets, great system the same ticket can be used on the trains, trams or bus or the next 100mins. The train driver drive like the car drivers do! To a very fasta very quickly to a very fasta stop also so very quickly. So after a 20 min trip and many people looking at the Aussie on their train, perhaps it was the crocodile Dundee hat was a give away!!! Do ya think!!
Out of the under ground and with the visions still in our heads from the night before Danielle showing us on google Roma where to catch the B3 bus from.
That would have be OK if we came out the entrance that everybody else used, but no lets avoid the clouds and go out the other exit!!!! Note to self follow the crowds next time. Anyway  all was good, made it to the B3 on time as some very kind lady held the bus for us. Don't think she was to happy though as she was driving her car and thus with the side of her car and the side of the bus "Kissing" it did delay the bus leaving for those few minute's required by the Aussie to get on board. Roman drivers are so helpful!!!!! Woops don't make a comment Pete as I'm still yet to drive and driving on the wrong side will be a challenge. So off on the bus to our final stop. So take the bus stop with the old building out front, remember the big old building we saw yesterday Danielle said ( but they are all old buildings, yes yes the one with the statues out the front yep that's easier I will look for that one!!!!!! All good found the right old building and old statues so than it is just a 10 min walk, you will know the place up several little "Via" streets and it will be on the right no. 5 across from the little bookshop that I showed you on google Roma last night. So as we walked and remembered our land marks we made it to the class with time to spare.

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