Tuesday 24 December 2019

Floating into India

my own passage now begins! 
Its Christmas Eve and my 1st ever O/S Christmas. The ocean mist is meeting the murky sky so there is no definition of an horizon. The warm breeze on our balcony that is heavy with humidity and the smell of a less purified oceans are starting to waft into one’s nasal passages. Land and buildings are just emerging through the mist, all with a soft blue haze and we are about 1 hour off arriving into the port of Kochin

Merry Christmas to all WIFI gone again 
So its now all about India and the people to meet XX


  1. And a very Merry Christmas to you both, hope you had a great one, the rain we were promised didn't eventuate. :( :( xxoo

  2. However you had 2, 3/4 mls in your gauge, your side of town had a little short ,sharp shower. when we were out at Jayes Christmas eve. Which was lovely.

  3. So lovely to see you off the tourist route and exploring. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We had an exciting!!! Christmas eve with me spending the night in hospital reacting to a bee sting. Delirious and collapsed at the dinner table, frightened the life out of Peter. Gaye and he had a long night into Xmas morning in emergency with me. I got to go home around mid morning!!! Now need to carry an epi pen. Can't wait for more of your adventures. xox

    1. So just when our backs are turned you want all the spotlight!!!
      I can see your Pete as i would be the same with my Sandy PANICKED STRICKEN XOX and a little bit of LOL
