Monday 6 May 2013

4 am Start

Well it's Saturday the 4th of May and we sail into Venice the city that started this whole Italian Cooking Adventure as when we were here some 10 years ago we promise ourselves that we just had to revisit.
A very excited Sandy as this is her 4th visit to Venice was up at 4am (can anybody believe that! the girl that loves a sleep-in and especially on holidays).
 I drag on a robe and meet her on our balcony to the view in the distance of the lights of Venice. Its just amazing, something not to be missed and in the distance we can count some 40 towers and stepals silhouetted  in the mist of morning light ...  
From our 9th floor floating balcony we can see right in and over Venice. It's a cool morning of 16 deg so once we have seen all we can see from our side of the ship we get dressed and head up to the 12 level to get a 360 deg view.
3 other people are also up so we all but have the whole space to ourselves. We stay up till we dock at 5am. As we are not planing a early escape off the ship we will wait till the crowds leave the docks. There are 3 other big ships so some 10,000 people all wanting to get to the same place at the same time.
Venice has 22 million visitors a year so  60,270 a day. Thats bigger than the entire 2weeks of country music festival pushed into a single day but this is everyday. OMGGosh!
Well with all those people it's back to bed for a couple more hours shut eye, I pull over the blackout curtains and our room is turned back into night so
Bona notte for now

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