Wednesday 8 May 2013

Antique Flea Markets

We also went to a Antique Flee Market while in Roma and wow what a place. It was off the beaten tracks and not a tourist spot.
The was about 50 small stalls about 3m to 6m x 3m all in white permanent tents with timber floors. The small streets were paved with white pebbles and the whole place had a fun buss about it. I was in my element but had to say no to the suit of armour and the wrought iron chandelier and matching bed head. I walked into one for the little stalls and the man rattled off at a 100 miles an hour about some great deals he had just for me! Looking stunned and with my first encounter with a store holder said in my best newly learnt Italian (thanks to Margret Lobben)
"Bonjornjo, Non Parlo Italiano, Parla Englasie?" He said straight back Non Parlo Englasie  Parla Itatiano!! And by the time it sunk in he was laugh and started to speak pretty dame good English, Hmmmm a smarty, we really hit it off and before long his wife came over to talk also. They were singers in a band and both took off there jackets to reveal their tea shirts that said "Rock - Stars" they were hysterical and we had to have photos with them. He tried so hard to sell me something but sorry it was all a bit too big to carry home.
Around the corner we come across a guy named Luka his English was not as good but we managed to almost settle on a price when Marina found us and intervened and thanks to her we should have saved 5€ on the 40€ deal. But not before what seamed like a heated exchange and him resigning that he was not ripping us of and it was a pair of genuine antique Cupid bronze door handles from the 1920's  Mousolini Period. I look at him and tried to quite  him down and feeling a bit sorry that my negotiator had tried to rip of his arms. I smiled and said I was going to buy them anyway and gave him the 40 € 
They may be small but they are very heavy (probably better as hand luggage on the way home)

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