Monday 6 May 2013

Friday Koper in Slovenia

Not a pretty a dock it was more of a working industrial area, a great day was had, we went to a palace in the town centre a 12th century one so not so old. The polished terrazzo floor was all hand poured and polished in the 15th century the centre was of rich browns, steel grey and orange 20mm chunks in a sandy cream compound it was boarded by a 200mm band in lines starting with 20mm chips of white then 20mm black squares with a rich brown boarder stone than a black and grey compound to finish the last 800mm back to the walls. How they could have achieved this back than is mind blowing.
Walked through the streets and chose to do our own thing rather than the organised trip options. They were all to the country to look at country stuff, but it is amazing what you can find when you start to explore the towns by yourself.
Today in a side street in a palace from the Middle Ages they were doing a Concerto Di Musica Classica and even I could work out what that was to be!
It was Vavaldi's 4 season and yes once I was in I was a rocking along, all the old tunes and I new most all of them! 
So in the words of our Greg Callan "culture I'll give you ..... culture" we certainly got a helping of today. The palace some one's home from several  hundred years ago was lost in a card game to another family, they must have a few palaces if you can win or loose them in a card game.
Today it is an amazing local museum, it was interesting to hear a harpsichord and 7 stings in such and idealic location for the music, it almost transported you back in time. Sitting in what was the old dining room under 2 bronze 5tier chandlers with 63 lights in each (yes I was listening to the music) that looked like upside down Christmas trees hanging the ceiling. the room was about the same width as our galley and twice as long with 15 meter ceiling the sound was fantastic.
Sheeting was for 90 but only 30 turned out mostly  locals and some lucky boat people like us found it in the back streets. Sitting there with stained glass windows at both ends of the rooms and the wall of off white stucco with painting from the 16th century every where 1 hour of bliss. Great that some locals were in the front rows to know when to clap, as Greg it wasn't after each piece it was when they put their bows in the air, so something for you to remember when you are over this way in August! Back to the docks to get ready to re board the ship and today it was a carnival on the docks with a local band playing it was a mix of Slovenia meets Germany. Meets some people that are the clones of Greg and Annie buy the wine tasting area so after many taste we all danced our way back on board to the amusement of the crew.
Oops a couple of Slovenian wine bottle were purchased and in my back pack made there way back on board.

Tonight after a "special restaurant" visit on board we had a great Italian dinner we went to a fab show all singing, dancing, theatre and magic it was great Yvonne it was the perfect way to celebrate your birthday! Sad you were not here with us as it was all your talking about cruising that got us here on a cruise in the first place. Xx thanks and happy birthday. 


  1. how wonderful you found some clones of us you should have known we would have our spies out there looking after you. Your travels sound absolutely fantastic we sooooooooooo wish we were there with you will keep on reading luv to you both annie & gg xxoo

  2. I think we are the clones? Hopefully we'll meet someday soon in OZ?
