Friday 3 May 2013

Our Floating Hotel Room

Our State Room is surprisingly big!!!! Well big compared to some of the other state rooms. They are all called state rooms suppose it  makes them all sound big!!! But ours is just that bit bigger by 1.5 m wider as it is one of the  "accessible room". 
With a full bathroom, at long last a shower that you can have a party in, well with limited invited guests !!! 
Shelves with little metal galley rails to keep things from rolling off!!! Hmmmm  Drawers and loads of very well designed storage space as this ship was built in 2007
You may very well ask why an accessible room? Well I do have "a little problem" yep yep be nice. I have over the last year or so been having little panic attacks and have become a little bit claustrophobic  (Sandy says I'm snobofobic) perhaps just a touch!!! But really without my therapy (oh dear now its all coming out), and my  panic spray! This little boy was not going to get on a plane!!! Let alone down a long, long corridor 1 m wide x 2.1 m high into our little floating hotel room.
When we first got on the ship I was pleased that the clouds were gone, but once in my room I couldn't shut the door to the corridor until I could work out how the door to the balcony would open. Sandy looked at me and asked are you OK??Hmmmmm once I can open this door I will be. I was thinking that the door was going to be closed until after we had set sail and as I could see furniture on the balcony I figured it would open eventually but I wanted it opened NOW, so thanks to our little cabin man who came to my help and with a touch of a button beside the door it was like magic and the door slid open, then life was all good once again!!!
Our "State Room" is 5881 mm x 4213 mm with a balcony 1355mm x 4213mm so all up we have 24 .77 m/2 as our space, and it has all that these 2 little floating hotel  occupants could need....... well except for an iron! That's right your on holidays and that means all drip dry, good packing  Pete!! 2 deck chairs and a sun lounge for the necessary out door activities!! You know the spot with glass in hand and with views to be had as we float around the Medditerain. Our bathroom has beautiful little 25mm x  25mm nonslip teal tiles on the floor with a laminated wall paneling in teak, and is the warmest space some where to dry your smalls.
It's a king bed with the softest white dooner and loads of pillows, the walls are cream and the cabinets are finished with real teak and all sitting on a carpet that looks like it come from a scene from an underwater adventure. There is a purple 3 seater teak cane couch sitting opposite the end of the bed.
Well its up stairs in 30mins for our Emergency Drill ....oh goodie goddie this will be fun all the stuff you DO and DON'T want to hear!!!

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