Wednesday 15 May 2013

Last Day At Sea

O dear it was a slow start this morning after the Chefs Table last night and thanks to Mr UK and Mr Spain for the Moët. It would have been just plain rude not to have a couple of glasses! Since the butler went to all that trouble pouring them don't you think! Thank goodness the sea bands work for a hangover also, yes yes it is mind over matter but i'm sure it did help. We left our room at about 1pm to venture out into the day light to the smile and soft greeting of Sir Peter and Madame as we are know by our cabin guy. You got in late did you have a good night and I do hope you enjoyed the Chef Table Dinner. Not much goes by these guys they seam to know more about what your are doing then you do some days. So is it OK for me to make up your state room now Sir Peter, I'm going to miss my cabin man we never wanted for anything. It is so cool you will be walking and this one lady staff member that booked us a table at dinner the first night alway addresses us as Misterrr & Missess Moooore. I said to her one day what a memory she had and she laughed and said that she had a GPS tracker with our names on it.

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