Wednesday 15 May 2013

Farewell To My Support Team !!!

So today is a sad day, 23 days into the trip and I have run out of my throw away undies! I have been saving up my olds ones for years, you know the one's that seam to find there way to the back of the drawers, holy and stretched and some that you don't even remember owning? That's a worry where did they come from?. Go on admit it, we all have them and they have come along as disposable friends & really handy. Farewell and thanks for the years of "support" Giordano, Jag, Calvin, Bonds and Rio so perhaps I've had them longer than I care to admit myself! They have been so loyal they have never let me "down" so for all their years of service they deserve to be put into retirement overseas. That will makes some space in my cases for a whole new international support team. As for the clothes and shoes that I have packed I have bought away lots of old ones that are just at there us by dates so have been dropping them along as we travel also. I haven't even left the Sydney airport when the 1st one comes back to haunt me. I had a shower just before we were due to leave and thought that my over sized colourful surfboard shirt was best left behind as I didn't want to scare the fashion people on business class. We were 1/2 way down the corridor and I here a voice from behind me saying Mr Moore it appears that you left this shirt in the shower, nope not mine, quick Sandy keep walking, but Mr Moore I'm sure it's yours, hmmm perhaps It could have been so lets donate it to charity then, I'm running late for my plane!!! Since then I have been more cleaver with when I'm leaving my hand me downs. But there is a method to my madness as this will leave space in my suit case when coming home to bring back some new Italian clothes!!!!!Woo Hoo

1 comment:

  1. ahhh Peter probably a little too much info on the undies front ..... :) but very amusing all the same... And all that space for all those fabulous new italian labels !!!
