Friday 3 May 2013

Arriving Into Naples Sunday With The Help Of Dad & Dave!

It's 6am and I hear the sound of a boat shooting past and get up to see a foggy and smoggy, cool Naples in the distance . We are due to embark 8am for our 1st day and tour of the lost city of Pompeii.  From the distance the city with its old buildings looks like a line of little commonwealth bank money boxes on the shoreline. 
2 funny little Italian men, lets call them Dad and Dave to hide their real identity are several stories below and perhaps today was their 1st day on the job to catch and then connect the large ropes to the dock. Well what a site I think Dad had just invented a new way of getting in the ropes with a mechanical  turning device connected to the middle of the tray of his 1 tonne truck. But Dave was more of the hands on sort of a guy. Dad caught the lead in rope and connected it to his new device while Dave rowing his own boat wanted to do it by hand to impress any girls on board and with lots of Italian hand action much more violent then I'd experienced in the past. I could tell that Dave was not going to have a good day with Dad in charge. As the rope was being winched in and mind you I'm sure it is heavy  with the weight of excess water dripping of it, Dad starts his motor and away it turned until it got caught on the side of the dock, obviously this was Dave's fault and as the rope tighten it all-but threw poor young Dave into the water. More yelling and hand action and with the 1 tonne rearing up like a stallion on a mission and the lead in rope snaps and the main large rope retires to the water like a relieved serpent.

The on board crew now giving out and with their own hand action (it Italy the spoken word is very much tied to the hand action so it always looks like one is have an argument with the other anyway) but today I think the hand action spoke louder Italian than the voice only. The lead in rope is retrieve by the ships crew and re sent to Dad. Dave by this time has turned the one tonne around and is reversing it very fast back towards Dad and with the brakes hit hard it stops millimetres away from Dad. So with the lead in rope reconnected to the mechanical turning device and with the motor whirring again Dave proceeds back to the edge of the docks to help by hand.

 Again it gets caught so Dad hops into the truck and starts to drive forward to take up the slack ,  the truck rears again and with a stupid Dave still handing on the the lead-in rope  is all but trapped between the rope and the deck,   with a miracle , the serpent, tired of the struggle gives up and is pulled ashore to the applause of the many spectator that witness the Dad and Dave show live!!!!

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