Saturday 18 May 2013

Our Grand Canal Appartment

So as mentioned our water taxi dropped us at the small timber dock and we walk the 20m to the small cobble paved "Campo" (small local square) next to the Vaperetto stop for S. Samuele which will be our local transport for the nexta weeka and yes yes I will have to pull my head in and take public transport OMG or we will be soooo broke before the weeks done!!! We are meet by a young Asia lady that spoke great English who works for check out or apartment it is Ca Samuele 1 bedroom.They have some 80 apartments on their books for lease and sale so I'm thinking they are more a real estate office come holiday renters. But as all the palaces and cellars were taken for the next week with their commission it's got to be pretty good business. She was very helpfully with the info as we walked the 300m to the 2 large solid black doors with deep carving and steel studs of the courtyard that houses THE family up stairs and us paying guest at water level. Either side of the internal courtyard had 7 foot high garden gnomes from the 17th century a hand missing here a ear missing there, really guys with all that money your making couldn't you look at getting some new ones!!! Thought the 60 m/2 courtyard with it white marble pots some as tall as me beautifully maintained topiary and white petunias surrounded by 4 story old walled other apartments that looked into our courtyard, then its up a 10m long very low corridor with a arched glass double door at the far end to our little private jetty on the Grand Canal. OMGG Just before the end was our door on the left, it was a soft yellow flat door with soft green vine leaves painted on it, so cute. On entering the apartment we step down I step to a white marble tile floor. In front of us a kitchenette towards our right the lounge and to the back our bedroom and bathroom. All very compact but very well appointed. Our lady leaves and with more instruction and a contact no. If we have a emergency you know a flood or something feel FREE to call me Hmmmmmm. On first look all was fairly normal 2 beautiful narrow windows either side of the lounge room for That View, we lay on our 2 lounges admiring the view when we notice that the windows that are 500mm above the floor have a retro-fitted addition of another 400mm of glass on the outside that has been siliconed into place on the window sills Hmmm. As Sandy explores the kitchenette or the lack of it, I head out to the jetty, now the word jetty does conger up a bigger space , but no it's about big enough to put 2 kitchen chairs on and have a coffee, so we do. Sitting on our little platform over the Grand Canal watching the world go by, well floating by. The sound of the vaperetto,s crashing into the dock some 200m up stream toward S. Marco the boats that travel up and down and the passing of several gondoliers singing to their lucky customers, the traffic is like Pitt Street but the noise is somehow calming and great to sit and watch and watch and watch, so we do we do and we keep doing. This platform is at the level of the floor of the corridor and a 200mm step down to the narrow walkway bit that goes just in front of our 2 lounge windows some 600mm wide and 3300mm long the width of the lounge room. The platform and walkway are in timber and covered in a mesh non slip matting which seam to have little bits of seaweed stuck in it.Again Hmmmm. So once we have unpacked its out for the day to explore.

1 comment:

  1. When do you think we should send out the Water Rescue? Sounds as though you two are having a wonderful time even though you may need Life Jackets in the not too distant future! Keep enjoying
