Thursday 9 May 2013

It's All Recycled

The toilet on the ship sounds just like a toilet on a plane, you know, that loud air sucking sound. The difference is it has water and the water level is quite high in the bowl. There is something strangely satisfying watching what you have just created being sucked away with great speed.
The ship has it own recycle centre and sewage works which processes all the wastes on board. The liquids are turned into safe water that is pure so it is released back into the sea and the solids are dried and turned into pellets and are sent ashore to be used as fertilisers. 
The waste foods are processed and put through a grinding machine and released into the sea as fish food. All the paper and plastic are squashed into pallets size blocks and taken away on shore. The ship has been awarded for its total recyclability and registered with the world health and recycle standards.
Said in my usual Big Gig voice "I think there's something in that for all of us, don't you"!

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