Wednesday 5 June 2013

But We Didn't Book A Sherman Tank

It did take a little while to make sure all the paper work was in place, and the Swiss man behind us wanted to know, are you buying the car??? and with a smile and a internal thought (put your head in) I turn back to our little Italian work experience girl and smile and she continues with our 164 questions and answers, thanks goodness Sandy did the pre book on the net before we came away. She then informed us that the Audi A3 is not available and your contract says A3 or similar. Hmmmm I know what the A3 was like as Daniella and Marina drove us around in one in Roma, so I know it was a smaller car so would suit the small country roads that we were wanted to drive on. I Being a non car boy "similar" what does that mean? She informs us, well it a new car only travelled 360km and it a V W Touran TDI oh and I'm supposed to know what that is! We are given the keys, so we make or way out of the airport terminus and over to the hire car pick up area. Looking for the number on the fence to line up with the number on the key and there it is. It's huge well not quite a Sherman tank but big 7 seats and no boot, Sandy clearly told them we wanted a small car and with a boot for 2 cases. So no one around to ask, we start to ponder do we or don't we. The car started to get a bit smaller as we sat in it, and when we discovered that the back, back seat laid down to make a big boot and turned it into a 5 seater it started to get that little bit smaller again, it did have good vision and loads of head space. A little man with a safety vest then appears from a corner of the yard and with a few more hints like where are the light switches and can I lower the seat as I felt too high so once that was done, lets go. I sit there for a bit longer making sure all was OK, I look at Sandy and hmmm so with a few laps of the car park on the wrong side of road that is the right side here our little attendant feels he needs to give me the direction to the exit, but no, really I like it here, I can drive around the car park for the next 44 days, it will be fun, don't throw me out on the streets with real traffic just yet please......So finally were off and with my hands welded to the steering wheel and my bum cheeks holding so tightly to the seat " I would be waterproof too 500m " and sitting so far forward so I can see where I about to go.... So you get the picture I was a bit nervous to say the least.....and straight out of the car park with a turn right and that's weird, sitting on the wrong side of the car turning right on to the wrong side of the road again was clearly going to take some time.... Great, up a head is my first roundabout, again all was feeling weird... So get through that one and coming off the other side yes another one and another, what don't they have any straight roads!!!! Yes they do and now I on one following other traffic which felt good as at least I knew I was on the correct side of the road..... The traffic got faster probably getting up to 30km an hour and I fly off to the right into a pullover park area and look at Sandy and reach for my panic spray, Sandy looking worried, I assure her I will be OK just give me a few minutes to absorb what I have just done........ Re gather my thoughts and all will be fine, truly, if we sit here just a little.... So panic spray to the rescue and a joint if I had one!!!! We're off again and this time all is much better I'm starting to get the hang of it and today we have no accommodation booked and are heading south so will stop when we need to. So sit back and enjoy the ride cause I wont be looking at any scenery!!!!!

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