Tuesday 11 June 2013



This word is used here and is for our " no " in  English 
We have a yes and a no and they are quiet direct,  the word yes for them it is si' and some days if you listen to a conversation it will seam very on sided. One rattling of at a hundred miles an hour and the other just saying si' si' si' si' si' 
( a bit like, ohhhh.... I know, I knowwwww as the parrot said to the woman on that Aussie phone add )
But the italians put so much expression into their words,  we say no and it is direct unless it's a no thanks.
For them the word no is used  with so much compassion and said slowly Nhooooo, Nhooooo and with the head tilted to the side it is real cute and how can you say no to someone that says Nhooooo............

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