Wednesday 5 June 2013

Leaving Venice

So leaving Venice after a week doing some amazing cooking classes and spending our days walking are now behind us. The water taxi came at 11.15 as organised with last weeks driver to take us to the airport on the main land so we can pick up a car for the next leg of our food travels around Italy. Out from our apartment to the boat ramp we are again helped on to the gleaming stretch boat with a Mama Meah from the driver as the 1st case is lifted into the boat, so I grab the second and throw it into the boat and he gestures that I must be so strong, and I gesture quickly and quietly that you must be a girl! So with a smile back from him the translation came out as, that's fine I can do it. This driver must have been instructed by higher powers to get us to the airport in a hurry as we must have a private plane fuelled and ready to catch, we were treated like royalty. The trip to the airport is about 25 mins and again just too much fun, by now with a warm day and the sun out the canopy was down. So as we arrived into Venice like actors in a 007 movie we were going out the same way. We stand in the back of the boat admiring the last of the Grand Canal building and taking those last couple of pickies as we float off and make our way down a few quiet little canals for the last time. At a certain point once in open waters the driver looks behind and with a smile and a gesture to hang on the race begins. It's like a freeway on water timber pylon mark the route at 200m intervals and as wide as a 4 lane highway with a overtaking lane, well that what it felt like. Loads of taxi making their way to the airport but our guy loved to overtake so we hung on and enjoyed the ride, the more we hung on the more he overtook and we bounced in the wakes to was just soooo cool. We arrived to the dock at the airport and 2 burley big guys " what we get bodyguards too " get our luggage out of the water taxi and both help us both get off. We pay our taxi the 95 € and this time I can get a receipt before he reloads with the next lucky joy rides in the que ( getting a receipt in Italy some times can be a challenge but that's a story for later ) so the bodyguards turn out to be porters and for 20€ they can escort us to the checking desk which is several mins walk, I look at Sandy and we accept their offer, lets suck ever last bit of attention before we are set free of Venice. 20 € well spent as we are taken right to the front of a que and directed to wait for our next instructions!

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