Thursday 13 June 2013

Cookoo Cookoo

So another Italian day another hit of Italian coffee....Nhooooo it's not an addiction.... I will be able to give it up when I get home, but it may be hard....
This morning in the fog of the mountains we head out for a walk to discover the little village that will be our home for the next 3 days, 22 houses so with that done what's next? .... Well we will be into the Osteria about 4 pm today to get ready for a 8pm locals dinner service so perhaps we need to explore a bit further a field so with some 1135 km travelled mostly on " their correct side of the road " lets see what we can find. So down to Grizzana Morandi the next little cluster of house some 4 km and then into the valley below, way below and as we start to head to the car park away in the distance, no such thing as car parking next to your villa up here in the mountains these places were not build for cars let alone for car parking, we come across the largest snails I have ever seen shells the size of golf balls and heaps of them, then in the woods   above we hear the sounds of a Cookoo cookoo OMG it sounded beautiful. 
You know start to relies how into the mountains you are and it does sound like the Cookoo clock that Sandy got in the early 80's when she was traveling in Europe and around Switzerland so with the snow caped mountain in the distance we are in one of the central  Italian Alps, Emilia Romagno area OMG.
Down to the valley below and driving over the many little bridges that criss cross the ice blue water of the rivers that are feed from the melting snow in the mountains above. The scenery is just spectacular we pull over and walk walk walk....... Bliss...... This is...... Beautiful.....
Back up the hill in readiness for our class and tonight's dinner service.

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