Sunday 23 June 2013

Massimo Strawberry, Raspberry, Capsicum Jam

It may only be a jam class but it is amazing what little tips you pick up of the pro chef along the way.

Strawberry, Raspberry and Capsicum Jam 

650 grams each of Strawberry and Raspberry 
150 grams Capsicum
750 grams sugar
25 lemon juice 

Clean Strawberry and deseed Capsicum and with the raspberry and 1/2 the lemon juice into a large pot on mid heat for 1 & 1/2 hours
When cool blitz 
Set aside in the fridge for 24 hours
Bring out and back on to the heat for another 1 hour put the last of the lemon juice in right at the end.
This leaving over night and re cooking makes the pectins work and the flavour was just beautiful with the spice of the capsicum.
Bottle and heat upside down in a water bath to seal the lids.

He tells us it is used in dessert tarts or mouses or as glazes to meat dishes, but never on bread and butter as that would be to easy.

Well I just had it on bread and butter back in our room and it was amazing, so lets keep that to ourselves then !!!!

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