Thursday 20 June 2013

The Sweet Earthy Smells Of The Old Town

Is a beautiful morning, well it 4 am and the sounds in the streets below of a cat fight woke me. This has let me experience the very early morning earthy smells of moist cobble stone street below wafting gently into our window.
It is yet another one of those little memories that you want to suck in and enjoy.
I'm also waiting in anticipation for the arrival of the weekly market people who will be apparently taking over the square and the streets around and should start to set up their stalls around 6am. I'm curious how it will change the street scape below.

With last nights dinner still firmly set into my mind and my taste buds it truly was a great night and a wonderful opportunity  for 2 little country kids to experience. As for the bill let just say that we have done our bit to help the Italian economy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bononotta for a couple more hours

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