Monday 17 June 2013

How To Colour Pasta and a great easy chocolate cake

So our time at Osteria  Nel Castagneto has come to an end but not before we return jn the morning for cake and a few more cooking tips.
After having the nettle pasta last night we asked how do you get coloured pasta, but with out the use of food colourings.
So when you are making the pasta at the dry stage,  cook and squeezed out spinach or roast pumpkin and use it in with the eggs but you may need less eggs ( moisture ) in this process so something to practise.
As for Tenerina al Cioccolato The chocolate Cake which we just couldn't  fit in last night 
The chocolate powder was 50% cocoa for this cake so not to high in fat. 

250 gr. Sweet cocoa powder
2 tablespoons bitter cocoa powder
125 gr. butter melted
200 gr. sugar
1 tablespoon corn starch

So beat eggs with sugar in a bowl. 
Add melted butter into the egg mixture.
Add the cocoa and corn starch an mix.

Preheat oven at 150 deg c cook for 25 - 30 mins.
Use a laminton tray to bake .

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