Tuesday 12 August 2014

Cooking Gap Year In Italy Part 2
Can we believe it we are off again ... NO WAY... So part 2 of our "Cooking Gap Year" has just started and as we had such a great time in Italy for our 1st 1/4 where better to kick of our next 1/4.

Last year we did Northern Italy and the Lakes District in their spring into summer this year we are doing Southern Italy for the end of their summer into autumn. Two very different seasons and two very different food regions to explore. It will be the end of season so tomato and basil should make into some great pasta dishes and we will learn how to preserve the seasons great produce ready for the long snowy winters and of course the autumn fruit and figs yum I can't wait to eat.

But what week getting all the last minute bits done prior to leaving for Froog and what a month as we trained a new locum Felicity so The Retreat is in good hands. Along with Julie, Kath and Ren helping to make the perfect efficient house team.
Friday night went to bed at 11pm and with sooooo much on my mind I was up at 1.30am and back to the office to finalise 2 shop fit prior to flying out. So after a mammoth 18 hours day both were signed... Delegation is all I can say!! so thanks to the boys in the factory and our wonderful Leanne on the desk for both Froog and The Retreat so we know it will be prefect.
Mind you I would have been happy with just the 1st fit out that basically finished Saturday morning with just a few loose ends BUT no let's throw in a 2nd one to keep us all on our toes. This was a past client that needs his shop opened while I'm away so had to pull some big days and long nights to get all to the approval point before I left, and hooray ... all is now signed sealed and delivered as they say, well it still needs to be made then delivered and the contractors have their instructions so late Saturday afternoon with a last minute briefing with head contractor Jason I could finally relax ...  ohh and then pack!

Arrived at Tamworth airport at 8am as instructed 2 hours before an international flight for our 10am flight to Sydney on Sunday and we had to wait in the cold -1 deg with only our summer travel cloths for the staff at Tamworth airport to open up at 8.30!! Thats when you know we are still in a country town but anyway we were 1st in the que when the door opened. Sharon and 7 year old Thomas came to farewell us so sweet and Thomas bought us some green lollie frogs to help us on our travels. Were meet in Sydney by Joe and Robbie (sister to Marina in Rome) and were whisk away for a quick Greek lunch of slow cooked lamb shoulder Yumoo.
Back to the airport by 2pm for a shower, change of clothes and of course a few bubbles to get us into the mood for a 14 hour flight at 4pm to Dubai.

I had some much fun writing down all my thoughts and recipe last trip so I'm going  do it all again.
As I have had a bit of stick from some of my reader saying keep it simple and to the point, which I will have difficulty doing, that's what the off button is for ... So if I start to dribble too much and you can't handle the bad spelling and shocking pronunciation just turn me off, it simple. I'm sure you won't because you may miss out of some true facts and great cooking tips and of course some of my little embellished stories.
So sit back and I hope you enjoy the next 88 days, my waffle and our adventures. As I said last year read it and imaging I am telling you the stories, loud, happy and never never stoping to take a breath and with both hands waving........ Love to you all Pete & Sands xxoo


  1. Nice start to your trip a beautiful lunch and then sparkling wine plus loverly company. Now with 88 days and at least 218 blogs to go you had better start thinking what have you set yourself up for. Safe travelling

  2. LOL, I've only just found your email with the details of your blog. For some reason HOTMAIL decided you were spam and had you in the junk folder. Well, let me tell you, I was very indignant on your behalf. My friends - junk - NEVER!
    The upside is we now have 61 entries to catch up on. The downside is we are going through something a little like your last day of organising and packing as we are off to NZ early tomorrow morning. I shall get to savour your writings at some point however it won't be today.
