Monday 25 August 2014

Gabrielle's Pasta

Gabrielle the son is now 19 and waiting for a place in uni to study phycology and today wants to teach us the art of making one of his favourite simply young persons lunches, he tells us no fast food for him. Thankfully even the young are rejecting the push by Macas.
So with in minutes we are in the Italian kitchen cooking again.
In a pan fry add in olive oil and a handful of pancetta chopped into little pieces with an onion finely chopped and some chilli flakes. Cook till it is opaque take off heat, drain off the oil and cook the tomato ( passata ) with a good pinch of salt in the same pan taking advantage of the flavoured oil. In a pot boil the tonnareli which is fat spaghetti or bucatino pasta with a whole in the middle.  Once the past is cooked add the pancetta back into the tomato and toss through the pasta. Taste and top with pecorino.
We sit and Gabrielle is so pleases with himself and his cooking he sets the table and serves us on red rectangle plates. He's young and fit looking with hollow legs and when the pasta course is over he finished with a huge knob of mozzarella, oh to have a youth metabolism on your side!!!

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