Tuesday 26 August 2014

Street Food

Today all 5 of us pile into the little 2 door car as we are heading into the city for some sightseeing and to find some Italian street food. I've decided that I will have to sit in the back as Sandy's silly knee is giving here a bit of grief, so with a puff or two of my special spray and some drops of smelling oils on my wrists I fold up into a ball and deposit myself still feeling ever so tall into one ever so low back corner of a very very small car !!! No opening windows either in the back seat so out comes my Japanese fan to help until the A/C starts to come into the back. Hurdle over so sit back and TRY to enjoy the view.....

We are in search of the fast food for the young and the workers in the city. 19 year old Gabrielle wants us to experience what real Italian fast food is and we were not disappointed.
As we head into the city with some glimpses of St Peters off to one side through my non-panoramic little slit of a window and many a roman building off the the other side as I view over the rest of the cars inhabitance. All the sites that one would expect to see if you were doing a doco on Roma from the back seat of a 2 door sports car with its many a majestic buildings and statues speeding by.

Finally through to an area of some very traditional Romain and non tourisito sites.
So it out of the constraints of my back seat cocoon and into the fresh air, oh so sweet the fresh air,. We start to walk the cobbled allies through one of the old food markets and we arrive to a buzzie little place called Roscioli il Forno dal 1824, so it's been around for a few years and they should have the flavours down pat .... and they sooooo do.

Simple food and the place is sort of like a bakery and as well as an array of baked goodies, one being Brutti ma Buoni translates to ugly but good through to what we are all here for ... square slabs of pizza sold by weight.
Several different styles so we settle on 3 flavours.
The first being Sands and my favourite a thicker 20mm breadish base topped with warm passata, soft cooked eggplant, mozzarella and basil. OMGosg scrum ... so fresh, so simple and oh so Italian. The other being ham and cheese + a mushroom one, more like traditional pizza topping.
We grab our timber board with our purchase and head to the ancient cobbled ally and place them on the wine barrels tables supplied, we stand and enjoy our fast food with so much Italian atmosphere. BLISSIMO

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