Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Sound of Bells on a Sunday Morning in Roma

This morning I awake to the sounds of the bells chiming in the distance announcing it is Sunday in Rome.
We have been sleeping with our window open as the nights have been quite warm. The white sheer curtain swaying in the soft breeze before the sun makes an appearance in through our window at about 7.30am over the other 5 story unit blocks that surround the large leafy garden courtyard that I spoke of in one of my 2013 blog.

It is so peaceful sitting here in a comfortable powder blue bedroom chair feet on the bed and with the breeze on my back as I write some more of my blog.
Every morning I awake early and stand at the window and suck in the atmosphere and enjoy the early morning fresh garden smells before the heat starts all over again.

Today we are heading into the centre of Rome to go back to those great flee markets again the ones I spoke of in my 2013 blog where the new Pope was having his first garage sale!!!! Wonder what light weight bargains I may fine this year, lasts years 2 brass 1920's cherubs where a bit to heavy to lug around so I have leant my lesson on that one.

This morning we are having a combo Italian and Aussie breakfast on the balcony in the cool of the morning shade of coffee, Nutella Cornetto's ... Italians love their filled Cornetto's and our Aussie Vegemite.
Danielle has never tried Vegemite but I tell him it is like what he gave us the other night anchovies with non-salted butter on French baggets great alternative when we run out of Vegemite in Italy.


  1. So how did the vegemite go over? It is amazing how an Australian icon has wormed its way world throughout.
    It looks like the drought may have broken in Sydney with rain forecast in Tamworth next tuesday- we will keep our fingers crossed.

  2. Well Lindsay lets just say that our suitcases will be a few grams less at every location that we deposited so of the Aussie black gold, great news re the rain
