Wednesday 27 August 2014

Our Beautiful Marina

One of God's beautiful little treasures and we are blessed to have had the good fortune to have meet you so Marina a great big thank-you for welcoming us into your home and life.

I know how tide I must have made your brain with our endless chats in the back seat of the car whenever we went anywhere but now I can tell you why I never shut up!!!! I'm claustrophobics so was trying to take my mind off the being locked in behind a seat in a two door car with out windows that open, I bit my tongue as I din't want to appear ungrateful.

You also had the gift of the gab and the many stories that I may have looked at you with my head sideways, thank you for all the fun time singing and dancing you are such a happy person and make people around you happy.
Also thanks for the late night movie so now I know what all the fuss is for The Rocky Horror Picture Show as I had never seen it before. XXOO and many double cheek kisses. Till next time our oh soooo special one.

So with a step to the left and a jump to the right and my knees pulled in tight hmmmm not sure if I've got that right I will hand over the blog to Sandy as she would like to say something


We did not mention Marina is a long time sufferer of major Epileptic seizures. Last year these we experienced many times in our 5 days with them, this year life is so different.  Last year we witnessed 2 full major seizures which was totally an eye opening experience. A fit so strong all norman function is lost and the victim collapses and becomes a quivering mess looking very much like an alcoholic with no way of communicating what is actually happening, it is very scary.
Someone you would step over in the railway station or street. For Marina it lasts for several hours...Marina told us this has happens at random from the age of 13 and when she is trying to live life it just strikes at home, shopping or in the train.... It certainly has changed the way we look at people in the streets now.

We spoke in length with our friends in the optical Industry Beth and David about Marina. After they heard our stories and looked at her pictures of her turned eyes they were also convinced that the glasses Marina had picked up from the markets were doing her no good.
Peter performed a basic eye tests on her with the glasses she had purchased at the markets and we were convinced the main reason she was covered in bruised and falling all the time was largely due to her glasses just not being correct for her needs. Her brain struggling to process her balance.

During the year she visited he very ill father in Australia and we have the opportunity to have her eyes tested and Beth and David supplied her with new glasses that have worked wonders. Marina has told us SO many times via email, phone and in person how happy she is and now she is not wobbling and falling down as much. Simple things we all take for granted.

We have just witnessed this ourselves and she is truly a new woman. She still wobbles like a drunk when she is getting tired and she pauses mid sentence when she is experiencing a little fit which is every few minuets until her brain kick starts sometimes remembering where she is in the conversation sometimes not and it is repeated but wow the difference is life changing. In the 5 days we spent together there was no fitting and in fact since returning 6 months ago from Australia with new glasses her medication has been halved and the fits have become much less sever and frequent.
We have been truly blessed to have been part of your world Marina and we hope in some small way we have been able to make a difference giving you some new glasses and independence. Love Sandy

1 comment:

  1. It is being part of the world community that we have the privilege of being able to help such an amazing person and we hope that one day we will be able to see the change for ourselves. Thank you Sandy & Peter for being the caring people that you are.
