Tuesday 26 August 2014

Pope's Summer House

Today we are off for a drive to the southeast of Rome to see a large lake in the crater of an extinct volcano. It is also the summer house for the popes over the centuries but the current pope is the peoples pope and won't  use this palace as it is to showy and he wants to be more in contact with his people so only resides in Rome in a small 70 m/2 apartment at the Vatican.
From the lake you can see the grand palace sitting on the top ridge,  it has views to the lake and to Rome. The lake was also the setting for the 1960 Olympic Games and we found a old poster on the wall with dates of the 26th August 1960 so 54 years ago to that Olympic's and also the date that Marina was born so a big Happy Birthday Marina.
We walk around the small village with views over the black volcanic sandy beaches with many sun loving Italians enjoying the hot sunny day all in perfect rows of umbrellas.

Lunch we have on the other side of the lake under the shade of some very tall cool trees sitting on long tables. We are served a simple pasta with tomato and pancetta to start and now I know the words Mezza Porzione to ask for a 1/2 portion we are happy, this followed by Porketta a whole BBQ pork which they carve you off plates off to eat with bread and a green salad. The bread is like a lot the we have found in Italy unsalted and sort of sour with the most amazing crust yumo. Porketta is also a market food normally served on a bun and on the run.
Today it was nice to enjoy it on a plate with a glass of local loose white wine which I'm thinking is a semilon style of grape and in the cool of the trees.

I got a spot of tomato pasta sauce on my shirt, hello Pete ...white shirt ...what were you thinking... tomato pasta and white shirts don't mix so while I was trying to dab it with water a waiter comes over and hands me a spay can of something that will take away the stain ... OK then ... so I spray and it foams to a fine white spot and within 1/2 hour the stain is gone... But now I've got a whole the size of a 50 cent piece (just joking making sure your paying attention) the stain was real gone it's magic.

Fantastic where can I get some magic spray as this shirt has a lot of traveling to do and many a paste sauce to contend with.


  1. When you find the spray you can start importing it so we can all start wearing white when eating pasta:)

  2. Morning beautiful or good evening on the other side off the world don't you worry I will be looking into that!!!
