Wednesday 27 August 2014

Danielle's Vodka Penne

500 gm penne pasta
150 gms smoked pancetta chopped thinly
1 onion
500 gms passata
1 brick of cooking cream or 300 gms
2 glasses vodka
Extra virgin olive oil
salt QB 1-2 tea sugar if needed.

Sit back and enjoy the 1st glass of vodka and retain the other one for cooking
Cook onion and pancetta in oil till soft not brown
add in vodka to deglaze and evaporate mid heat then add passata and salted pasta water
Leave to reduce and turn off heat
If to acid add sugar. Toss through cooked penne.  Some finely chopped parsley to finish and small sprinkle of Parmesan ...not toooo much as this is not a cheesy penne

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